Cococin™ FAQ


What is Cococin?
  • Cococin is freeze-­‐dried green coconut water solids rich in nutrients
  • Cococin is prepared from Cocos nucifera at the optimal stage of maturity with a rich content of phytohormones and micronutrients such as inorganic ions, vitamins, enzymes, sugars, sugar alcohols, lipids, amino and organic acids, and nitrogenous compounds
  • Cococin is Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS)
What are the nutritional ingredients in Cococin?
  • Cococin is rich in nutritional ingredients, such as inorganic ions, organic acids, sugar, protein, and fiber
What is the content of the nutritional ingredients in Cococin?
  • 100 g of Cococin provides 324 mg of calcium, 3050 mg of potassium, sodium 197 mg, 206 mg magnesium, 4.3 mg of iron, 6.4 mg of vitamin C, 4.6 mg of protein and 3.69 g of fiber
  • In addition, sugar, organic and fatty acids, and cholesterol are present
  • Comprehensive Analytical Test Report is available for your information
What is the source of Sabinsa’s Cococin?
  • Cococin is obtained from the fruits of Cocos nucifera, cultivated in Southern India
Why is Cococin superior to coconut water?
  • Sabinsa’s Cococin is whole: Young green coconuts are the only source for Cococin and they ensure the largest quantity of the liquid endosperm with a higher content of nutritional actives comparing to mature coconuts
  • Cococin is reliably stable during subsequent processing and long-term storage because of its preparation method, lyophilization. Coconut water is collected under sterile conditions from coconuts that are harvested at the most nutritious stage of maturity. Coconut water filtered through membrane filters is then freeze-­‐dried (lyophilization). Removal of water involved in lyophilization technology provides stable preservation of quality and purity in the dried state
  • Cococin allows wider application of coconut water, a valuable nutrient, including food and beverage, nutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals
  • Cococin is powder of coconut water in the dried state and it is water-­soluble. The product is returned to a liquid reconstituting with diluents suitable for intended use.
What are the potential applications of Cococin?
  • Food and beverage industry
  • Nutraceuticals
  • Cosmeceuticals
What are the potential applications of Cococin in the food industry?
  • A natural food ingredient in the dried state with stable quality and purity allows
    • to reconstitute for intended use
    • to expand traditional application of nutritive coconut water in food industry other than drink. For instance, yogurt, kefir, drinks and baked goods.
What are the potential benefits of Cococin application in cosmeceuticals?
  • Moisturizes*
  • Promotes healthy cell growth*
  • Supports blood circulation*
  • Slows down the aging process*
Are the potential cosmeceutical benefits of Cococin examined?
  • Overbeek et al first introduced coconut water as a new component of the nutrient medium for callus culture in 1941
  • A content of growth hormones is high in young green coconuts. The effect of these growth hormones is not limited in plants. Cococin’s ability to promote healthy cell division was tested in Swiss 3T3 cells. Swiss 3T3 cells were grown under the medium supplemented with Cococin and without Cococin. Cell growth was evaluated by visual approaches after 24 and 48 hours. Photos kept for record show evident growth of cells in the flask with medium supplemented with Cococin
  • Cococin may slow down the aging process. Its phytohormones and nutritional values may potentially promote cell division
  • Cococin efficiently restores intracellular and extracellular fluid because of inorganic minerals and sugar contents in Cococin. In this way, it supports blood circulation and skin moisturizing
What are the potential applications of Cococin in nutraceuticals?
  • Functional drinks: sport, energy and drinks for rehydration
  • In addition, nutrients for cell growth and healthy maintenance
Are coconut water and milk different?
  • Coconut water is the aqueous part of the coconut endosperm
  • Coconut milk is the liquid product, which is produced by grating the solid endosperm with or without addition of water
Is the plant sustainably harvested?
  • Yes, Cococin is extracted from sustainably-­grown Cocos nucifera
Is Cococin an ODI (Old Dietary Ingredient)?
  • Yes, Cococin is an Old Dietary Ingredient
  • Cococin can therefore be marketed immediately, without the need for pre-­market NDI notification
What is the suggested level in formulations?
  • The suggested level in formulations is 3-­‐5% v/v for nutritionals
  • 1-­‐5% of formulations in cosmeceuticals
Is Cococin manufactured in a GMP facility?
  • Sabinsa’s manufacturing facilities are GMP and located in India
  • They are FDA-­inspected and passed
Is Sabinsa’s Cococin patented?
  • Yes, Cococin is a patented and trademarked ingredient
  • US 7,300,682 for “Method of preparation and use of coconut water in mammalian tissue nourishment, growth and healthy maintenance”
  • EP1341547 for “Coconut water and its method of preparation”
Is Sabinsa’s Cococin Halal?
  • Yes, Cococin is Halal-­certified
Is Sabinsa’s Cococin Kosher?
  • Yes, Cococin is Kosher-­certified
Is Sabinsa’s Cococin allergen-­free?
  • Yes, Cococin is allergen-­free


  • Sabinsa Corporation
    20 Lake Drive
    East Windsor
    NJ 08520, USA

  • +1 732 777 1111
  • +1 732 777 1443


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