Saberry® FAQ


What is Saberry?
Saberry, an extract of Amla fruit, Emblica officinalis is
  • A water soluble, powerful antioxidant, verified by state-­of-­the-­art tests
  • An adaptogen in Ayurvedic medicine
  • No solvent is used to extract Saberry; the fresh fruits of Emblica officinalis or Amla is pulped at less than 5°C, extracted by cold press and cold spray-­dried
  • Saberry is Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS)
What are the constituents of Saberry?
  • Saberry contains 10 to 12% of ß-­glucogallin and 50 to 60% of gallate
  • Gallic acid up to 5%, other organic matters of plant origin and water up to 39%
What are the potential nutraceutical benefits of Saberry?
  • In Ayurvedic medicine, Amla is a booster of body’s capacity to resist stress, trauma, anxiety and fatigue and a rejuvenator. Amla is a priority ingredient of a Rasayana formula that supports longevity and potency
  • Amla extract has shown strong antioxidative activity against oxidative stress caused by heavy metal (arsenic) exposure, radiation and uremia∗
  • Induces apoptosis helping support bone and joint function∗
  • Supports the stomach and liver function∗
  • Supports healthy blood sugar levels and associated complications∗
  • Anti-­microbial∗
What are the potential cosmeceutical benefits of Saberry?
  • Wound healing∗
  • Inducer of collagen synthesis and inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases (anti-­aging)∗
  • Photoprotective, which prevents sun damage of skin (anti-­aging)∗
  • Prevents hair loss interfering with the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone∗
Are Amla fruits sustainably harvested?
  • Amla fruits are sustainably cultivated in India
  • Carefully chosen fresh fruits are processed in Sami Labs Limited, Karnataka India
Is Saberry prepared from genetically-­modified (GMO) Amla?

No, Amla, from which fruit Saberry is extracted is not GMO

Is Saberry an ODI (Old Dietary Ingredient)?
  • Yes, Saberry is an Old Dietary Ingredient
  • Saberry can therefore be marketed immediately, without the need for pre-­market NDI notification
What is the suggested daily dose?

The suggested dose is 200 mg to 1000 mg in two divided doses

What are suggested available forms of delivery?
  • In nutraceuticals, Saberry can be prepared in forms of capsules and tablets
  • In the food industry, it is in powder form, as a food additive in various beverages, noodle flavor packs and dusting flavors for products like chips, wafers, cashew nuts and peanuts etc
What is the recommended cosmeceutical percentage?
0.2% to 1% w/w in topical formulations
Is Saberry manufactured in a GMP facility?
  • Sabinsa’s manufacturing facilities are GMP and located in India
  • They are FDA-­inspected and passed
Is Saberry Halal?
  • Yes, Saberry is Halal-certified
Is Saberry Kosher?
  • Yes, Saberry is Halal-certified
Is Saberry allergen-­free?
  • Yes, Saberry is allergen-­free


  • Sabinsa Corporation
    20 Lake Drive
    East Windsor
    NJ 08520, USA

  • +1 732 777 1111
  • +1 732 777 1443


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