Shaheen Majeed Appointed To Sami Labs Group Board Of Directors

Bangalore, India (September 15, 2015) – Sabinsa Marketing Director Shaheen Majeed has been appointed to the Board of Directors of the Sami Labs Group, Sabinsa’s sister company responsible for manufacturing and R&D in India. He is also a board member of Sabinsa Corporation and of Sami Direct, the Group’s successful multi-level marketing company in India.

When he was just 17 years old Shaheen began in the warehouse of the science-based ingredients company his father founded in 1988. Subsequent positions included customer service, a variety of sales positions representing the company's substantial portfolio of proprietary nutritional and cosmeceutical ingredients, Contract Manufacturing Manager, Cosmetic Marketing Manager and Executive Assistant to the CEO.  He is actively involved in Sabinsa's extensive cultivation program, interacting with farmers to ensure sustainability of quality raw materials from which Sabinsa manufacturers the company’s high quality, proprietary ingredients. He is also deeply involved in managing the company’s regulatory compliance in multiple countries. Shaheen earned a BA in Economics from Rutgers University, NJ and an MBA in Business Management from Keller Management School, CA. In 2009 Natural Foods Merchandiser magazine named him one of 40 under 40 notable members of the industry.

“Shaheen’s demonstrated competency in a wide range of roles for the companies internationally, and comprehensive knowledge of the various markets within which we do business will be beneficial at the board level,” said Dr. Muhammed Majeed, company founder and Board Chairman.

Other board members include: Dr. Muhammed Majeed, Dr. MD Nair, Mr. Humayun Dhanrajgir, Mr. PN Venugopalan, Mr. VG Nair, Mrs. Neeraja Shetty and Mr. Madhu Subramanian.

“Having worked in the company from the ground-up, this is quite an honor and I’m humbled by it,” said Shaheen. “I look forward to interacting with the board and the various committees to share my knowledge and, of course, to learn from their years of wisdom.”


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